Saturday October 08 , 2011
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The Cauldron of Corruption

When individuals lack a moral center, corruption becomes more the norm than the exception.  Worst of all is that these people do not think they are doing anything wrong.  When one does not have a way to determine right from wrong, how can anyone doubt their logic.  The current administration continues to perculate distrust and angst as they advance policies that are focused on bureaucratic comfort rather than support for the citizens who are paying the bills.  Of course, this is the very essence of progressivism--seeking centralized power and controlling every aspect of our society.  Individuals born into liberty chafe at this arrogance, but often, these folks seem paralyzed by the fierceness of the assault they are asked to endure.  Let's look at a list of some of the more egregious breaches of faith on the part of this administration.

  • Solyndra--a solar power company that received a $535 million dollar guaranteed loan from the national government.  Within weeks, the company declared bankruptcy.  There are ties directly to the White House on this topic.
  • LightSquare--a broadband company in which the President has a financial interest.  This company wants to deploy a 4G broadband solution set that interferes with military and aviation satellites.  A four star general about to testify before congress was asked to change his testimony to show that DoD concerns over this company's product were overblown.  The general, to his credit, refused to change his testimony.  This, again, goes right to the very top of the administration food chain.
  • Fast and Furious--the straw buyer program that procured over 2000 guns that were subsequently sent over the southern border of the US into the hands of members of the Mexican drug cartels.  These guns have now made their way back into the states and have been found a numerous crime sites.  At least one American law enforcement officer and over 200 Mexican officers have been killed by these criminals using these guns.  No one at the Department of Justice will own up to even knowing about this tragic event, but it is clear they are lying.
  • Voter fraud investigations in the Department of Justice.
  • Oil drilling moratoria in the Department of the Interior
  • EPA regulations that are going to cost Americans millions of jobs.
  • The FCC attempting to suppress speach
  • The NLRB operating far beyond their statutory boundries by attempting to tell Boeing where they can build a plant.
  • The invasion of the Gibson Guitar Factory.
  • The disrespectful behavior toward Israel.
  • The failure of the administration to enforce current immigration laws.
  • The backdoor amnesty associated with allowing the Department of Homeland Security to pursue only the immigration cases it deems necessary.
  • The failure of the democrat controlled Senate to pass a budget.
  • The outrageous and out of control spending going on in DC

The list keeps growing with each passing day.  Eventually, the total weight of this malfeasance will visit itself directly on the shoulders of our president, and I submit he will fade under the burden.  As he is incapable of honest introspection, I fear we might be witnessing the pathetic demise of a man way in over his head.

Come on 2012.

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